Double order help
So, i went in to make an order for a new phone at my local t-mobile store. I went in, found a phone, got all the info and ordered it to be shipped to my house. At the end of the order, the app crashed so the enployee made another one assuming it voided the order. Now, i have 2 holds on my bank account and 2 separate orders for this phone. My question is, what do i do here? The employee told me to do the paperwork that got emailed to me, and i did it all. Didn't realize it was separate orders for each email. It worries me that i did this and now im on the hook for 2 phones... I'm also trading in my old phone, and both orders list it as being traded for trade-in value (obviously i only have one phone to ship back though, so i don't know if their system may pick that up and auto cancel one?) Any help at all would be appreciated! I'm planning to call tomorrow but im kind of panicking now about it so i thought I'd reach out here!