How to get better with Kraber? (console)

Ok so I know the answers are gonna be the usual "git gud" "skill issue" and the classic "L console" responses you get from 99% of people.

But how do I manage competing with ximmers, spitters, alties, r-oners, smarties, geets, evas, cars, and other jackasses using meta weapons?

How do I possibly get better per se, when I can't learn anything about the weapon? I can't possibly learn what I did wrong or how to get better with each death, when I'm constantly getting curb stomped by people using mouse aiming with hitscan bullshit overpowered weapons.

I'm not using it like a sniper rifle, i.e. I don't use it while stationary at long range. I use it the way you're supposed to, constantly moving and taking quick-scope flicks at people. I can average like five kills with it on a good day, but of course that simply isn't enough. Sometimes it's less, sometimes it's more.

I just wanna know how to improve with it regarding techniques, like improving extremely fast aiming and inhuman self awareness, along with competing against sweats using effortless meta hitscan weapons.