TIFU by getting sexual with someone i shouldn’t have
So I’m a (mostly) closeted gay male 19. Today I got back on a dating app where i started talking to someone I’ve had talked to almost a year ago already. He is quite sweet and good looking! There is also a lot of sexual tension only problem he is a whole bunch older than me. He is in the middle of his 20s but we kinda hit it off again and took it over to Snapchat ( you all know what happens on Snapchat). We later exchanged some spicy pics and even shared highly sexual messages. When we both „finished“ I thought of looking him up. So I did. I found him on insta and two of my former classmates, my moms cousin AND worst of all my brother’s girlfriend all follow him…now I am really concerned he might talk about me to the wrong people. WHAT THE FUCK DO I DO??? Should I talk to him about it or just hope he never mentions me in any way or form EVER? I am so concerned for some reason omg! I mean I don’t give a fuck about my former classmates BUT FAMILY MEMBERS??? good thing is he doesn’t follow my brother gf but sadly he does follow my moms cousin…thank god my mom knows I’m gay but idk what happens when she finds out the age gap of me and my preferred type of men.
[TL;DR:]So I fucked up by talking to guys older than me without checking their background. Now I might be fucked (quite literally)