Confused about Ultrasound report
Can anyone help me understand based on my ultrasound report what it actually saying? This is my first thyroid ultrasound. It sounds like they saw a nodule but that it’s fine and no need to worry, is this correct? I had been told that if a nodule was found they would likely biopsy it and when I look up the Ti-rads category 3 it says it needs a biopsy done so I’m confused.
Can anyone help me understand based on my ultrasound report what it actually saying? This is my first thyroid ultrasound. It sounds like they saw a nodule but that it’s fine and no need to worry, is this correct? I had been told that if a nodule was found they would likely biopsy it and when I look up the Ti-rads category 3 it says it needs a biopsy done so I’m confused.