We don't need to remove alliances, we need small scale PvP

So me and my guild has moved trough 3 servers right now. We are a small guild of 30 people, of which about 20-25 log in for pvp events like boonstones and war bosses, however as we move trough servers one thing becomes very obvious, there is nothing to do for small scale pvp guilds.

In most pvp mmorpgs that are based on zerging, you have major alliances fighting for the most important stuff, and leaving small guilds and small alliances to fight for scraps, but in this game, scraps don't exist.

Last server i was in there were 2 big alliances who were too afraid to fight each other and so they would split on war bosses and farm small guilds instead. It's not the fault of those alliances, it is the fault with the game lacking small scale pvp content.

Please don't say merge as that makes me wanna quit the game alltogether.

I honestly think that once talandre comes and this is not properly addressed, the game will keep losing non hardcore people/guilds aswell as people who have difficult schedules.

Keep in mind, I don't think it's a problem if you fight 20vs40. However 20vs100 is not possible.

Possible solutions to this would be:

1)something similar to Albion online dissaray system which gives a stat debuff based on how many allies are on the map

2) providing pvp areas that would allow only limited ammount of people from alliance or only allow guilds

3) increasing the ammount of bosses that happen at the same time but also giving them valuable loot like fragments to upgrade gear or something, and not allowing alliances to keep hopping from one boss to another so freely.

4) make t1 boss weapons upgradable into t2 stats by obtaining fragments from t1 bosses.

I know I'm dreaming but if the game keeps suffocating small pvp guilds soon there will be nothing left just like in KR