Nerf everything... except my weapon
Nerf spears, nerf daggers, nerf GS, nerf SNS, nerf bow, nerf staff bla bla bla
You people complain more in this reddit than actually playing the game.
EVERY META class will have something that makes them OP against certain builds/classes. This is not a solo game. And you're not the "hero". You won't win against everything.
You die to spears because you don't have melee evasion. I have melee evasion, and my spear-crowded server has issues with killing me. Me and 4/5 other GS daggers (the class everyone said was useless in large scale) completely shut down enemy spear daggers and protect our backline, so our guild/alliance doesn't die to them. But I do die to magic easily. Should they nerf staff because they can 1shot me??
That's the game. Paper rock scissors. Don't like it, don't play it.
Everything has a counter. If you don't use these counters, these classes will obviously "become op". If you dont build ranged evasion or enough endurance, guess what? You get melted by bows and xbows. Nerf bows and xbows???
And to the backliners that "can't build melee evasion because their DPS will be trash", read the 3rd sentence of my 4th paragraph again. Building melee evasion is not the only way. Educate your guild/alliance. THIS IS NOT A SOLO GAME.
Cant wait to see what the next "OP Meta" is gonna be and how many ppl will complain while not building the basics within their guild/alliance/themselves to counter them.