We need weekly rewards for trials

Or else everyone will run the highest tier they can, and then never ever push again. Thus challenging PvE community will diminish. If we want an active PvE community, trial pushes need to be kept alive somehow. What do you think about it?

EDIT: I didn't need to give these details but ok. Yes I know we already have some weekly rewards but what I mean is something special for your highest tier push for the last tier. It is needed to keep people actively play challenging PvE content.

Why do we need it? Because in its current state, players push highest tier only once and then quit running it and it is getting harder to find parties because only a bunch of people playing high tier challenges. Challenging PvE content should be kept alive and fun.

Does it affect casual players? NO! You will not getting any punishments for not playing hard PvE content, it is not mandatory, I promise!