Guys, appreciate your tanks

As the title says, if you have someone that tanks for you make sure you let them know you appreciate them.

Just sat through about an hour of abuse as a tank trying to finish some T2 dungeons (2 Star Dimensional Circle) and it is genuinely a wonder how people volunteer to play this role.

Tank (and healer) are both thankless no matter what game you play be it Overwatch or League but in TL it's significantly worse. Not to mention reports seem to go straight into a shredder then the garbage.

If you want the game to continue to grow and be healthy consider not yelling "idiot" in party chat over and over. TL is primed to gain a reputation similar to league as being super toxic with the behaviour I see. I honestly don't know if I can recommend it to other people. Not to mention the leaver penalty makes it hard to get out of a shitty situation. Of course a penalty is needed, I don't deny that, i just I wish it would punish the bad eggs instead.

To my fellow tanks and healers, (healers I see you out here too) I appreciate you o7

*Edited to clarify the dungeon from T2 to 2 Star Dimensional circle