The Governor vs Negan

Most people I come across seem to think Negan is the coolest/best villain in the show. At least all my friends do. And Jeffrey Dean Morgan is very, very good in his performance. But honestly, the Governor is just so much better written and more believable. A lot of things about Negan just seems cartoonish, it’s hard to take him seriously at all. Like the silly whistling his soldiers do, or how the first time you see him, he’s been sitting in the RV like an actor waiting for his cue.

David Morrissey is as good of an actor (maybe even better), but the Governor is just the better character imo. A much more believable villain. Imo evil characters are usually scariest when they can put on an act as well as the Gov. Negan leads with brutality. The Governor gets people to do evil for him, by being so persuasive and charismatic.

This show has some great villains. I wish we got more of Simon, for example. But of the two, Governor or Negan, I find the Gov to be so much more compelling to watch.

Is my group of friends an outlier, or do most fans really do think Negan is the best villain? If so, why? I’m rewatching the show for the first time since it originally aired, and I’m starting season 7 now. I originally stopped at some point in season 8, because tbh, I got tired of Negan. But I’m gonna give it more of a fair shot this time. But I still wish we had gotten more episodes with the Governor, and maybe fewer with Negan.