30 sessions a week would be crazy, right?
I just got a job offer from a group practice offering a competitive salary and benefits, but requires I got 30 sessions per week. I've been toying with trading my private practice for agency work (normal reasons- I don't like being my own boss, I'm not an entrepreneur, I miss the stability, structure, coworkers,ect) but honestly I can't imagine hitting 30 clients a week without burning out immediately, especially since I've got young kids. Anyone out there hitting those numbers while also parenting?
Edit: thank you for all the responses, this has been very helpful in terms of seeing what feedback resonates. What I'm hearing is that the workload is so dependent on the type of therapist I am, and what my priorities are outside of work. A lot of people are efficient workhorses, and I've got to honor that that's just not me. (Someone here mentioned that they complete a note in 2 minutes, I think it takes me 2 minutes to even open my computer.) For context, I'm an art therapist and I practice sensorimotor psychotherapy, which is a somatic modality that requires pretty laser focused attunement, and the ability to pick up on subtle cues of what my client is feeling through being able to recognize things in my own body. I also have ADHD, which I only started medicating for last year and has improved my life in so many ways, but it's still ADHD. Outside of work I maintain my practice as a professional artist, and have a very sensitive kiddo who requires a lot of attunement and attention, as well as older step kids. And I'm realizing that this might not be a big factor for a lot of people, but taking this job would require driving a half hour each way rather than the 20-minute bike ride I currently have. I have to honor that the bike ride is a part of my emotional and physical well-being that would be really hard to let go of. I've been thinking that being in a structure that forces me to move faster and make more money would alleviate financial stresses and make me a better parent and partner, but I think that weighing all these pieces, I'm going to be a better parent and partner if I take things at the right pace for me and we make do with less money.