Is ADHD just capitalism gaslighting us?

Check me but why do I feel like a small attention span makes sense evolutionary wise? Like what kid actually naturally can sit for long hours at a time focusing at such young ages? I know a lot of disorders are based on causing dysfunction in the culture but what if the culture just sucks? I'm also new to understanding ADHD as a therapist because my own therapist started pointing out inattentive ADHD symptoms and while I def agree, it just made me wonder about how the world is set up in general that doesn't line up with natural human being functioning if that makes sense.

Edit: I clearly don’t have enough of an understanding and will further educate. I was taught repeatedly be critical of diagnosis because it’s made with the culture in mind. I’m a therapist who was recently diagnosed with inattentive ADHD. It made me reflect on my own life getting this diagnosis as an adult as a result and made me wonder is this even real or is society just trying to convince me there’s something wrong with me so I keep up with unrealistic demands.