How does the model of the Trinity that you believe in resolve these issues?

The Issue of Identity: If we say The Father is God and The Son is God and we take "is" to mean "completely identical to" then due to the law of transitivity, The Father must be The Son, but that's modalism. So "is" cannot mean identicality. What does the "is" that connects the divine persons to God mean in your model of the Trinity?

The Issue of Multiplicity: If God is absolutely one without any parts, how can there be the multiplicity of the divine persons within God without leading into partialism?

The Issue of the Incarnation: If we say that there are not 2 Christs but only 1 Christ, because he is one person despite him having 2 natures, why is God said to be only 1 God and not 3 Gods, because He has 1 nature, despite Him having 3 persons? In one case we counted by how many persons there were, and in another we counted by how many natures there were.