If You Could Change Anything About, Or Add Anything to, Your Most Played Playables, What Would You Change/Add.

Ok here are mine:


  • I'd give them their Building and Climbing.
  • I'd increase their Stamina Regen.
  • I'd slightly increase the range of their Spit.
  • I'd make their automatic Stamina Regen after High Jumps (And I think normal jumps, but it's too unreliable for me to know whether or not it's intended) less buggy (It seems to only happen 70% of the time).


  • I'd increase their Stamina Regen.
  • I'd make skimming less buggy (Hitboxes are weird for when you can and can't catch Fish, three quarters of the time you can be literally touching a Fish and you won't be able to catch them).
  • I might make it so that if you have more than 60% Stamina, you slowly Regen Stamina when gliding. Though this might be a bit strong.


  • I'd make their pounce less buggy.
  • I'd give them a Charged High Jump (Pretty much identicle to Hypsi's one). It's not that Omni's current Jumping distance is bad, it just should be so much better, and a charged High Jump would hugely help with that.
  • I'd double the distance necessary for them to take fall damage.
  • I'd give them very slow climbing that could be sped up by sprinting, which would take 3X the Stamina it does to run. They wouldn't be able jump from tree to tree or anything, but they could move up and down things like trees, rocks and buildings. They'd also be able to carry things up to almost their own weight up with them. This would just help with traversal, escaping or staying safe from most predators, and with ambushes.


Anyway, I'd like to hear about all of yours?