Life of a beipi
Story time for those who care.
I have never played beipi until today
I spawned in at swamp with the goal of making a home in south plains. After many needless trials and tribulations. I finally made it the river.
After clearing the area for crocs I went onto the bank to say hi to a Gali and signal that he doesn’t have to do the rock glitch to drink water
After I was finished, I was mid dolphin dive into the water when a herra jumped on me. Killing me instantly. My body landed smack dab in the middle of the water. So he wasn’t able to eat it.
Oh well, it doesn’t take long to grow again, and I’ll remember for next time.
Next time comes along and I’ve gotten there was much less hardship, and this time I’ve taken up residence on the river with the second waterfall
Unfortunately for me there are two fully grown crocs in this river, but they seem to pass by, and I feel safe as one of them is carrying a fully grown tento. So as they go into the distant I start hunting fish.
Unbeknownst to me, one of them for whatever reason turned around and snuck up on me and killed me instantly. Why he did this? Probably like the herra, because he could. I wasn’t mad, but i was a bit tilted.
Third times the charm, you know the drill grow up to sub adult in swamp and then go to south plains. It went without a hitch, I chose the river I went to the first time, the one closed to the salt lake
And I had for about 10 minutes I enjoyed myself, listening to lo-fi, and at the end I saw another rare Dino.
A hypsi, I went to the shore to say hello and we both marveled at the other for existing, I then dived back into the water, preparing to get off for a couple of hours.
I was then swallowed alive by a fucking fish that I was almost TWICE AS BIG AS. HOW IT COULD EVEN SWALLOW ME LET ALONE GRAB ME IS A ANATOMICAL MYSTERY TO ME.
Fuck this game. I’m going back to meaner Dinos