How come every right wing commentator has been "vaccine-injured"?

I thought about this after last night's show.

Megyn Kelly, Candace Owens, Jimmy Dore, and much more (I believe many FOX commentators, Tucker Carlson?) all claim to have been "vaccine-injured" all around the same time by the COVID vaccines.

And all of this is used to push their conspiracies about COVID, vaccines, and more. Ironically, all of these people are people who claim to hate identity politics, but it seems like they're using their own personal "vaccine-injury" stories to add credibility and push this narrative.

Most interestingly, I have never heard a single one of them clarify, what type of symptoms and issues have arisen from their "vaccine-injuries", aside from some nebulous claims of vague health issues.

I'm not here to say that "vaccine-injuries" can't happen, there's people out there that can certainly suffer adverse effects, in extremely rare cases. It just seems weird to me that only people on the right get "vaccine-injured" so that they can add anecdotal legitimacy to their anti-vaccine and government conspiracy claims.

To give the utmost charitability, some might say, it's because people snubbed them during the pandemic in spite of their "vaccine-injuries", so they became right-wing, but almost everyone I listed was previously already a right-winger (Candace, Megyn, FOX, etc.) or increasingly right-wing like Jimmy Dore.