My coke-fueled Cumtown remix album horrified my family

At the height of my addiction, I went on a month-long coke + Ritalin binge, and instead of doing anything productive, I spent the entire time “remixing” (read: stealing) songs I liked by splicing in random Cumtown bits.

I made 23 of these.

When my family found out, they were upset about the drugs, but they were horrified that I wasted my entire bender on mashing up Cumtown clips with stolen music. They already hated Cumtown, and my “remixes” pushed them over the edge.

I got sober. But now I have a full album of unhinged, probably illegal Cumtown remixes sitting on my hard drive.

Would you guys even want to hear this?

Upvote if you do. If no one cares, I’ll just take this shame to my grave.