AITA for this conversation with my mom this morning?

You would think there was more to this conversation but this was the whole thing. She called me after I said the nevermind bit but I didn’t answer and that was it. Is anyone else as confused as I am? We haven’t gotten in any sort of fight or anything, this was so confusing to start the morning with. My therapist said I need to set better boundaries with her in general and not let her get to me, so this was also an attempt to do that. Insights?

You would think there was more to this conversation but this was the whole thing. She called me after I said the nevermind bit but I didn’t answer and that was it. Is anyone else as confused as I am? We haven’t gotten in any sort of fight or anything, this was so confusing to start the morning with. My therapist said I need to set better boundaries with her in general and not let her get to me, so this was also an attempt to do that. Insights?