Manager making up lies about me.
A few days ago I attended work with what was later diagnosed with food poisoning. I got through half my shift juggling between serving customers and throwing up in a bin.. sometimes with them in front of me. From what I could tell the manager couldn’t care less I later found out he had claimed to my shift leader I had been drinking all night previous? Because my eyes looked funny.. last time I checked your eyes go very red when you keep throwing up? I honestly find it disgusting he basically claimed I’ve either came into work still slightly drunk or hungover when I was simply sick??? I think he hadn’t anticipated on me and my shift leader being close. I find it appalling he can claim such a thing about me and that could easily spread around the workplace I’m some big drinker who comes into work half drunk/ hungover, In fact I don’t drink. I find it appalling that I simply can’t be sick? At the end of the day I am only Human. If he really believed what he said surely it would be a gross misconduct?