S6 Maci & Taylor vs Rhine, Mack, Jen & Larry
I’ve been binging the show for the first time & I finally got to the beginning of this drama & WHEW I have some stuff I have to get off of my chest.
I knew a fallout was coming, but I was so confused why that would happen at this point when they’ve all been able to get along for like 7 years for Bentley’s sake.
Well, the reason is Mack. Not completely, but like 98%. Maci, Mack, Ryan, & Taylor were all getting along & Maci was really trying to shift things so she could coparent with Ryan instead of Jen & Larry. Maci & Mack go to lunch where she expresses that she thinks the grandparents need to respect the parents more, because duh, & Mack’s response is to be incredibly fake to Maci’s face & then go to Ryan’s parents & tell them Maci was talking shit.
I’ve tried hard to give Mack grace because I know what she eventually goes through with Ryan, but man that girl is dumb. It’s so hard to watch her insert herself into another family & just completely blow up the dynamic. & the person that was hurt by her shit stirring was Bentley. It was just a couple of episodes prior that the four of them had dinner together with Bentley & they were all talking about how happy it made him. Only for Mack to single handedly decide he didn’t deserve that kind of happiness in his life, I guess.
Should Maci have been smarter than to say that stuff to Mack? Yes. But her intentions were good. Mack made the choice to pick out the bad from that conversation & make it an issue. & the audacity of this bitch who barely even knew Bentley to accuse his mother of lying about him not wanting to go to Jen & Larry’s. That was not her place at all & I’m appalled that as a mother herself she thought that was appropriate.
Don’t get me wrong, the rest of them suck too. They all enabled a known addict for years. None of them had the balls to stand up for Bentley the way he deserved.
TLDR: everyone involved in this sucks but mainly Mack. Bentley deserved better & the fact that any of these people consider themselves to be good parents (minus Taylor) is laughable.
Curious to hear if others agree or if I’m just being way too harsh on Mack! I still haven’t seen most of the drama, I just saw the very beginning so maybe my opinion will change.
ETA: already regretting saying Mack sucks the most, that’s not fair to her & just not true. Overall, Jen, Larry, & Maci have done far more damage to Benny. But when it comes to this specific conflict, I’m just shocked by how much she instigated it.