Part 6 of OG rewatch - commentary in caption (mostly collages because so much of the dialogue is ridiculous 😂)
I’m only on bed rest for another week so these posts will die off, but for now:
Catelynn sticking to her idea of wanting Nova to be her own person for approximately 5 minutes.
My 6 year old daughter can’t consent to being on the cover of a book that contains references to sex and drugs …. BUT BEING ON TEEN MOM FOR THE LAST 50 YEARS IS OK?! So long as you guys are making money off them, huh?
Debz OG has asked for 8 grand for a facelift and a free room at Farrahs house in the last ten minutes.
Temu Popeye reveals on camera that he got rid of his apartment so he could sponge of Ambien in his second episode.
Ryan is fuuuuuuucked up. In every scene. “We didn’t know” - The motto of the Edwards house of narcissism and enablement.
Matt was never an addict, he used this narrative to manipulate Amber into a relationship. “Me too, me too, me too”. Just tell her about all the kids you abandoned, you can bond over that bit of mutual truth instead.
The knight in leather jacket armour in his first ever episode protecting Ambien from scary Gary.
Tyler sitting on a park bench with his older sister.
Cate was told specifically to watch her carb intake because the doctors were worried about the baby. Next scene, “I just wanna enjoy mah pregnancy”
Ryan pretending he has morals before smearing his shit on the walls of his children’s home.