How is having a good relationship with my brother “incest”.

Okay this is gonna make me look like a total weirdo but honestly? Idc. This probably isn’t the subreddit to go to but I literally need to rant somewhere.

I’m a freshman in highschool and my brother is a senior. It’s a shitty school, and our parents are kinda.. eh. So obviously over time we’re gonna become closer. Of course, not close like, yk.. but yes we’re gonna become closer. We’re teenagers. We’re going through shit together. We’re literally family. We came out of the same vagina and ballsack.

I walk with him to classes sometimes and post him on Instagram/Snapchat sometimes. Not weird shit, just pictures of us at places like School or Publix.. most of the time his GIRLFRIEND is in the picture too. I have an amazing relationship with her and I love her.

I dropped one of my friends recently. Why? Because she was one of THOSE girls. The ones who talk shit about everybody. The ones who are your best friend until she meets this boy, then suddenly he’s her entire personality. Guys might not get it, but all my girls probably know exactly what I’m talking about. She’s telling everybody “I’m obsessed with my brother”, “I’m weird to my brother”, shit like that. Everybody is talking about us because I have a good relationship with my brother.. my full brother.. we came out of the exact same parents.. we go to the same school.. and he has a girlfriend, who I have a great relationship with.

Huh??? Like I’m sorry you had a fucked up life and I didn’t? I’m sorry your siblings don’t love you? I’m sorry your parents don’t care about you? How is it weird to have a good relationship with MY FAMILY? MY immediate family? There’s not some big 20 year age gap between us. We’re both in high school. No shit we’re gonna get along. We’re both teenagers in a shitty ass school struggling. And what makes it even weirder is how there’s a 3 year age gap between us.

This is probably gonna make me sound weird but it makes me so annoyed. I hate bitches that talk shit when they don’t even know the story. And I’m multiple of my “friends” too. Even if you haven’t been through this I hope atleast one person gets me

And it’s always the people with a fucked up relationship with their family too. I fully respect anyone dealing with family issues but don’t be talking shit about MY relationship with my family just cause yours isn’t working out 🤦‍♀️