Just got this done Friday. And hurts sooo bad right now
Yall help me out here 😭. I got this done Friday at a flash event because it was the first Friday of the month and there’s an event down town where a bunch of food trucks and vendors come out and there was a tattoo shop I stopped by and decided hey WTH why not. I know it’s still super new. But the thing is this my 5th tattoo and it hurts so freaking bad. None of my other tattoos hurt remotely this bad after the fact. It hurts when I stretch my ankle or walk on my foot sometimes. I had it done with the traditional machine gun vs the battery pack ones which is what I’ve always had done. So I don’t know if the traditional guns hurt more? I have another tattoo above my other ankle and that didn’t hurt at all. Itched like a b but not painful like this. Is it blown out or infected? The guy tattooing me said he’s been doing it for 20 years.