Unsure of New Job

I (29m/no family) recently got a new job at an MSP for a 12k per year raise. The new job is general IT Support, but I am more of a T1.5 or T2, so I will be doing more sysadmin related responsibilities.

My previous job, I was desktop support for internal IT. I very much enjoyed pretty much every aspect of my previous job, except that I wasn't learning new skills or technologies, so I became pretty stagnant after the first year.

I am having cold feet with my new position. Even though it is more money and more learning/experience at work, I can already see my work life balance going out the window. My new position will require some work outside of normal office hours, as well as a monthly on call schedule between the technicians. After calculating the hours, my pay is about the same with more things on my plate constantly.

My previous job was very cushy, I had a lot of free time to research different things, free time to do personal projects, and generally just more leeway for just about everything.

What would you do in my position? I want to upskill, but after on call, extra hours, more stress, it almost doesn't seem like it's worth the extra money. After the extra hours my base rate of pay for my new job is the same, if not a little lower than my previous job, and now I just feel stressed and unhappy/unmotivated most of the time. Would you go back to the previous job if you have the opportunity?