How to make a butterfly power… good?

How to make a Butterfly power… good?

I’m trying to ask this anywhere there’s people who know writing or who know superpowers.

Some context/history: when I was younger, I was in some online text Roleplay thing about superheroes. It was fun, but it ended prematurely and just after I had been given control of the story by the owner. The people I played with ended up staying friends and now we just chat on discord. Five years later and, with their encouragement, I’ve decided to write a story about where I was originally going to take the story. It’s been surprisingly fun and challenging.

But here’s the problem I’ve been grappling with. One of the characters I have to write for has the power of doing things a butterfly can do. Which… as far as I’ve read… is nothing special at all. They can fly, sure, but not very fast or with any sort of agility. The player once said she had the proportional strength of a butterfly, but from what I’ve read, that doesn’t seem like very much at all. She frankly doesn’t really measure up to anyone in the main cast or on the enemy side. I’ve tweaked other people’s powers to make them a little stronger to match the enemies they’ll be fighting, but for the life of me I can’t think of how to buff this power in a way that feels natural at all. How do I fix this?