Is it part of baus'es strategy that he builds often way more offensively than most players?

To give some examples:

  • he is probably most well known for his lethality sion, where it does definitely makes sense considering his ad ratios, but from what I hearded tank is more standard on him (at least his juggernaut/tank hybridization suggests it)
  • but then there are also picks like "mostly full AP and maybe rod of ages" galio, who I heard usually should build magic resistance? Not that it doesn't work, maybe you know that one clip where he cc chains and kills an Aurora at 60 percent while being almost dead?
  • also he plays a very AP heavy variation of gragas, where I am not sure how he is supposed to be build normally, but it felt very aggressive
  • ambessa got played by him also with lethality, specifically voltaic cyclosword or something like that.
  • and very new: an lethality vi build. In top lane, not in midlane, where assassins usually play.
  • Also he plays AP variations of Irelia and Jax, for which I don't know if they are troll or not. Not that I play those champs, but arent they more oriented around beating you to death with auto attacks?

I am personally not sure why he builds like this, but could it be that it has something to do with his "very aggressive farming" play style? Like, with more tankier builds he probably would farm slower and just die while proxing, while the more damage oriented builds give him an opportunity to be a serious threat even when collapsed upon? It's admittedly just speculation, which is why I ask here.