Two years sober today! Can I get a hell yeah?!

2 Years ago was the worst day of my life. Coming off a 4+ day bender and broke down to my wife for the 100th time about how I needed to quit. She was apprehensive, as she had seen me "quit" and relapse countless times. I made it my mission to prove her wrong, (or prove myself right?) and these milestones show that I can do it!

Since I quit, she gave birth to our first child, who has never known that side of me, and never will. On Monday we had our initial OB visit and saw our next child on the ultrasound. If I were still drinking I don't know if I would still be with my wife, let alone expecting another child. Anyways I ramble but I am pumped to be sober!

Edit: Thank you everyone for the kind words and the Hell Yeahs! I'm so happy to share this journey with all of you and am proud as heck of everyone in this group! IWNDWYT