Nearly 5 years sober…
… and have recently left AA. Taking a pause, a break, I don’t know. But I’ve been in the rooms nearly my whole young adult life - the young adult life that I have any proper memory of anyway. I’m 30. I basically grew up in those rooms, learnt a lot from those rooms. And when I tell people I’m leaving, they act like I’ve just told them I’ve got cancer. “No! You’re joking right. You have to be kidding. Oh you’re serious? Well, fuck. I’m so sorry”. It’s a real mind fuck, and it has me wondering how many people stick around out of fear. Like, I don’t want my sobriety to just look like AA. I want to say I gave other things a shot. I want to say I chose what my sobriety would mean to me, not that I was literally scared into staying in AA for fear of relapse or death.
If anyone has any insight or experience to share that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for reading my rant