Self driving car test comparing cameras vs. lidar shows that Tesla auto pilot would drive straight through a fake Looney Tunes wall

Test shows a Lexus equipped with Lidar technology and a Tesla equipped with cameras driven at 40mph towards a fake wall straight out of Looney Tunes. Lidar technology works by bouncing lasers off what's in front of the car, so the Lexus detected the wall. The fake wall tricked Tesla's auto pilot since it works by relying on cameras relying information back to the computer, which couldn't tell it was a fake wall.

Bearish on having these cars get turned into robo taxis when this video/article shows that self driving cars with camera technology is years behind (and will never match) the capabilities of self driving cars with Lidar technology given how they work.

How do you make investment moves on this? Google owns Waymo, a self driving car technology company that uses radar, cameras, and Lidar, and can be outfitted on any car.

Skip to 14:58 in the video linked in the article to see it yourself.\~:text=Tesla%20Autopilot%20drove%20into%20Wile,insists%20on%20only%20using%20cameras.