My boyfriend is officially hooked on Star Trek

I can't possibly describe how happy I am right now.

A few weeks ago, out of the blue, my boyfriend of four years walked into our living room and said, "Okay, I'm ready to watch Star Trek, but I want to start with the movies." My jaw dropped. We're both horror fanatics and he's a lifelong Star Wars fan. He's sat through countless hours of me talking about Trek, but had never expressed any personal interest in it until that day. I've never grabbed a DVD so fast.

We watched The Motion Picture, then Khan, then Search, etc., and I could see him falling in love with it in real time. I sat and listened to him dissecting the movies, answered his timeline questions, cracked up when he realized Christopher Lloyd played a Klingon. With every movie, he was getting more invested. By the time we got to Generations, he turned to me and said, "We're watching the shows after this, right?"

About a week and a half ago, we started TOS and we're almost done with the first season. He loves Spock. He ordered a combadge pin for his jacket. He's sending me Trek memes. He's starting to get my references.

I hope it's okay that I posted this story. I just had to share it with people I know will understand. There's a nine-year-old girl in me who's doing cartwheels, finally feeling like I'm not the only kid on my block who loves the series. And I CAN'T WAIT until we get into the later shows.