Did something happen to Spotify?
I was driving home from work and listening to Spotify on my phone (which I do every shift) and the music cut as soon as I pulled into my driveway, which I found odd, but my car acts up a lot so I just figured it was my car. I go into my house and turn my phone on but it shows a login screen on Spotify which was open. I tried to login using my saved password and email and only got an error saying “Something went wrong. Try again.” So I tried again, same error. Then I tried to click the “Login without password” button, confirmed my email and still nothing. I don’t really know how Spotify works, so I don’t know if something happened with my subscription and that’s why I can’t log in or if something happened with my account. I didn’t share this account with anyone, so I don’t see how it could’ve been hacked or anything. Does anyone know what to do?
Edit: Hopefully it’s just on Spotify’s end because it seems I’m not the only one with issues and their website was showing me some error messages when I checked. Thank you everyone who answered!