Y'all... How Does Sidorovich's Bunker Not Flood When It's Rainy??? How TF Is This Guy Still Alive?? (Pics As Evidence...)

Okay homies, I got caught on a tangent for a second today, while on my way back to Sidorovich for a part in the main mission.

I rolled up on his pad, and it was raining like a mother fucker! It was like GSC game world decided to make a Noah's ark flood simulator. Fucking crazy...

Then I realized this dumb shit has the doors to his bunker wide open! Then I look further and there's no drainage!

Then I'm thinking...Wait a second, how's this mother fucker alive??

So what is it?

Secret Nazi drainage pools in the depths of his layer?

Bigfoot hauling out water in buckets through secret passages?

Obvious drains that we cannot see, but were obviously implied by the makers of the game?

It's killing me.

(And quite frankly, it's killing Sidorovich whether he knows it or not! That dumb fuck... 😎)