Sri Lankans and their pride in academic achievements
First of all, this is not a political post. (I really don't like doing marketing whether positive or negative for these kinds of attention seeking politicians. Hence, I blurred their faces)
This is different. This is about something else. I constantly see people with educational qualifications looking down on others just because they don’t have a degree or the "right" degree of theirs.
Recently, a guy who calls himself a doctor made a comment about a YouTuber girl, questioning whether she was qualified to talk about as issue and bragging about how he went to three universities and earned multiple degrees. This guy has a long list of titles after his name (MBBS, MSc Project Management, MSc Medical Administration etc etc etc),
YET nothing taught him that the chessboard should be set up with the light square in the bottom-right corner?
But don’t just target these two people, this attitude is common here. Many lecturers and even demos at my uni behaved the same way. They have no idea how to handle basic things but speak as if they know everything. People often fall into the "illusion of learning" because they scored some marks or a high GPA on an exam without ever trying to solve real-world problems!
not sure i conveyed my message in right way. but at-least i feel a bit better. thank you for your time.