Guide to disable spotify auto updates on Windows

Make sure you have updated to the latest spicetify version before following this:

Step 1: Close Spotify

  • Ensure Spotify is completely closed before proceeding.

Step 2: Delete the Update Folder

  • Open Command Prompt and run the following command
  • del "%localappdata%\Spotify\Update"

Step 3: Create a New Update Folder

  • In the same Command Prompt window, run
  • mkdir "%localappdata%\Spotify\Update"

Step 4: Restrict Access to the Update Folder(Dont run both commands together)

  • Run the following command
  • icacls "%localappdata%\Spotify\Update" /deny "%username%":D
  • Then run this command:
  • icacls "%localappdata%\Spotify\Update" /deny "%username%":R

Thats all folks, enjoy!

also credits for this tutorial goes to spicetify discord server mod ririxi