Party Registration- ✋🏾Nah, I’m Good!

Here’s the latest power grab: a bill that would require you to choose a Party in order to vote. If this bill passes, they will use this information to more surgically gerrymander the state’s districts- state House, state Senate, and federal Congressional.

My argument is that we should remain a state with open primaries, a system in which voters with competing interests can still choose to ally against the greater grifter, whether that person is the incumbent or an insurgent, but quiet, neo-Confederate.

The next federal census is in 2030, and it will absolutely matter who we elect into our state House and state Senate in both 2026 and, most especially, 2028. We can’t have people clearly opposed to multi-racial and intergenerational democracy in office as we prepare for our national count. We’re already, again I would argue, undercounted and, therefore, underfunded.

I’m not saying anyone has to identify with either major Party; we don’t register by Party here. We have 10! The point is that if people within a district are unsatisfied with their present leadership in the state House or Senate, because let’s be real most of us don’t even know their names, we need to replace them with someone who wants to work for us and improve this state for our people.