How do you enjoy your solo travelling?

I have been travelling solo for a couple of years for leisure, am still not sure how to enjoy myself. So I would like to ask your insights on solo travelling. I am sure I will find my own one day but am curious to know how you find and enjoy.

(I know I posted a comment encouraging other solo traveller by listing pros, it was more to tell to myself I guess😉)

Upside for solo travelling is I can do whatever I like without asking other and on my own pace. Downside is that going into a restaurant alone is intimidating sometime, having no one to share the excitement about a great view/show you just saw. How do you go about them?

That said, I am planning my another solo travel in June as I think better doing while I can than just thinking about it.

For now, I make a short bucket list so at least I can feel some achievement, having some options to add when I feel like to. I always am torn between the ideas of "forgetting about famous places, making my own list to enjoy myself" and "worrying I might be missing something nice I should go/try" as I tend to miss a big important picture right in front of me due to my ADHD brain😅

I am also interested to know what triggers you to pick a destination and how you prepare.

P.s. Having ADHD means constantly seeking stimulation - I started to take the language lessons to fill 3 more months til the trip 😂