When life gives you cats who knock game pieces off the table, make… a game cave? Something like that…
A week ago, I finally got a copy of Tainted Grail - The Fall of Avalon. I got it home, opened and organized it, scoured the rule book, and just waited until the weekend so I could dive in head first. Well, Friday and Saturday night, my cats decided (for the first time ever) to play a game of hockey with literally all of the components on the table. Something had to be done. Unfortunately, in our rental, there are very few locations that are protected from cats and kids… except for our utility closet in the basement. A $25 Kallax and $40 dining room table later, and I’m back in action! Side note… I’d love some budget friendly ideas to make the space a bit more inviting lol… the aesthetics definitely leave something to be desired.