Looking for a recommendation

I'm going camping alone soon. I have adhd and really would like some sort of entertainment to help quiet my brain. I don't have a lot of money to spend on a game, $5, $10 if I must. I often get easily confused at games, so I would like if it was simpler. For example, I like games such as Yahtzee, Boggle, Bocce Ball, and my poker games tend to consist of just 5 card draw, 5 card stud, 7 card stud, low ball, in between, and 7 card no peek, and I managed to learn and play a game called Mantis Party by Exploding Kittens during Christmas, to help give an example of what complexity I can handle. I've heard of the stuff like Welcome To, and that brand Button Sky, but I'm worried those will be too complex. I ordered Railroad Ink : Deep Blue Edition to try (and am worried it'll be too complicated tbh lol), and this $5 to $10 will be the other game I hope to bring on camping trips for a long time to come. I would like if it were dry erase rather than paper to help ensure that "long time to come" factor, and I do not have access to a printer nor laminator, so unfortunately those are out of the equation. Please help!
