Week 2. Slept for 36 hours straight.

Im 14 days in. The moment I got the chance on Saturday I crashed for 36 hours straight.

Everything from preparing to open my tutoring center to running it for just 2 bloody weeks. Most difficult thing I've ever done in my life at 29. 1 man team no one helping me.

Things are going well. A bit too well. Clients are a bit too eager to refer me to others. The rate at which this is going will become unmanageable very soon. I am not ready to hire someone. And also really shit at saying "no".

Imposter syndrome is peaking.

Always feel like I'm hanging by a thread.

My small business occupies 85% of my brain.

So fucking tired all the time. Worse than any cooked job I have had.

Can't give up. Have dependents.

Can someone tell me it gets better? That it's just the first couple of months it's so fucked, right? Or year?