Chronically sleep deprived sahm
I have a 10 month old. Sleep times are 7pm to 6am. Wake windows are 3/3/4 each nap is 1-1.5 hours. Baby is currently waking every 1-2 hours. Sleep trained at 4 months, it was super easy. After he got teeth, it's been really hard. He has never slept more than 5 hours straight. He is ebf and has a sleep association with nursing. Sleeps in his own room in a crib completely dark with a sound machine. Can someone please give me a step by step guide on how to break the sleep association and sleep train him? I'm so sleep deprived I can't think straight I'm starting to hallucinate and I need to fix this issue. I'm against co sleeping and I don't want to do extinction but honestly idefc anymore