Me and my partner have alternating sleep patterns which is becoming difficult.

Most nights i struggle to stay awake past 9pm and normally woke up between 4-5am. I worked shifts for 5 years but now I am on normal days and my sleep still could do with some improvement. I used to drink 3 cups of coffee a day but have completely quit and while me sleep scores are way higher now I still cannot physically stay awake. I'll fall asleep in bed, on the couch, watching tele or reading a book.

My partner however, has the opposite problem. She can't get to sleep easily and therefore often sleep in until 8/9am. I cannot sit in bed in the dark for this long, so I normally get up, walk the dog, play some video games.

She's getting upset about falling asleep and waking up alone. I'm wondering if anyone else has this problem and if anything helped fix it?