About Paarthurnax

People often criticize the Blades for telling you to kill Paarthurnax because of the numerous atrocities he committed under Alduin's leadership while disregarding the idea that he still helped mortals overthrow the Dragon Cult and is the reason why mortals learned to use the Thu'um.

At the same time, if you commit a crime in Skyrim, no good deeds you do will lift the bounty from your head. You could wipe out the Dark Brotherhood, finish the Main Quest, complete the Companions and College of Winterhold Questlines, solve every single heroic quest there is, become the Thanes of every Hold, etc. and the guards would still arrest you. It's the same with Oblivion.

Yet in today's society, people still believe that the good things a historical leader did do not override the bad things they did. People often pay more attention to the bad things they did than the good things. If a guy murdered 1000 people and then saved the Earth from an asteroid, should he still pay for his crimes? If someone murdered your family and then saved thousands in a natural disaster, would you still demand justice?

To be clear: I do like Paarthurnax and I don't like the idea of killing him because I do believe he truly repented, but are the Blades really wrong to say that your heroic deeds do not override your villainous ones?

What do you think?