Height and Ethnicity

I'm a student at an animation college in California, and I'm the son of two Somalilander immigrants. Since I'm 5'6, as expected, girls didn't exactly flock to me there. I've tried to talk to girls I know and have good relationships with, but half of them either already have boyfriends (sucks but what can you do), or it's back to the top. But lately, I think my ethnicity is starting to affect me too.

I love where I'm from, and I try to move back with my family when I get the chance (Somaliland is much safer and more welcoming, the State Department strongly recommends you write a will before you go to Mogadishu), but an afro and African-looking features don't really help. If you really think about what American standards of beauty are for men, it's tall, rich, handsome, and ultimately white. I actually had a girlfriend before, but it was a random arranged affair with a random Somali girl back in Atlanta, which ended with zero attraction, which immediately led to a 6'2 white Chad.

I really think that ethnicity in any sense here, really hurts your chances. Even worse, we can't really change it. That's how the cake crumbles, how the bread is baked. Even worse is the "Just put insert your ethnicity here bro" response. Because most of the time, they don't want to do anything to you either. I'm stuck. I don't want to get into an arranged relationship or forced marriage that makes me and the other girl not want to be there, but modern dating is so frustrating for anyone who isn't a 6'4 white Chad with the personality of an insurance company and might end up alone for a while.

I don't know what to do. I can't change any of these things, and I'm proud to be a Somalilander, but I really am smashed against a rock and a mountain. Hopefully something better comes along.