So I tried Medievil Remake

IMPORTANT: I don't built shadps4 by myself, downloaded it from my friend, who playin Bloodborne only.

So lets back to Medievil

Game doesn't lounch, even to main menu. It did compilation crushes, until i set setting like this:


dumpShaders = true

screenWidth = 1280

vblankDivider = 10

screenHeight = 720

nullGpu = false

copyGPUBuffers = false

dumpPM4 = false


validation_sync = true

gpuId = 1

validation = true

crashDiagnostic = false

validation_gpu = false

rdocEnable = false

rdocMarkersEnable = false

BUT, Now game just stay on black screen for about 5 seconds, while console writing that vulkan is compiling shaders, and then crush the shadps4. Did anyone tried this game? Or i did something wrong w settings idk. Sorry 4 my english <3