How would the existence of Severed people serve Kier?

For the sake of argument let's assume that the ultimate goal of the creator of the chip/technology was to Serve Kier- how does the tech do that?

I suspect it might have something to do with what Fields was saying about multiple souls existing in a Severed being, if each of them being a devoted follower. Which makes me think that the idea of Gemma having many versions of herself on the testing floor could possibly be testing how many different (devotees)innies can be created in one brain.

My theory is that the chip started out as a way to create exponentially more followers of Kier than there are people on Earth, in order to Somehow usher in "the Revolving". I think that Lumon corporate saw it additionally as a commodity and dumped resources into it while still claiming it is to serve Kier with some people being the religious branch and some focused on the commerce element. Reghabi says, about the birthing cottages (which are a commodified version of the chip) "that's something completely different".

Can't wait to hear other people's opinions on this or angles I haven't thought of about how the chip serves Kier.