will i be able to love again?
my first bf broke up with me two months ago, im facing the situation where i don’t have the energy to meet new people, even just make friends with them makes me feel so drained and tired. im also scared that im never gonna find someone like him again.
i know he’s already moved on but im stuck here. every time i feel a little better i just know i will crash out sooner or later, i feel the sad phase is always there waiting for me. it came last night, i was supposed to study for the exam today but i don’t have the motivation/ energy to do it, i just lay in my bed and cried.
i feel pathetic sometime for still holding onto hope when in reality i know we’re probably never gonna get back together. i was very codependent to him, making it a lot harder to move on. i had talked to my friends/family, but i don’t want to keep bothering them with my problems.
i’m afraid that i’ll never love other people the way i did with him before.