How long does it take to change your life?

I have been taking courses, working hard, consistently exersing for two years. I lost a ton of weight, have a diploma and that's basically it. I thought that my income would significantly increase and would be in a committed relationship by now. I feel like I am progressing slowly. I know asking about what I'm doing wrong is dumb since you don't know me. I am just in a strange place where I am doing better than before but no where near achieving my goals.

How do I become more strategic in my life is a better question.

Specifically, How do I become more attractive to employers,and get a better paying job even though I consistently achieve my targets at my current job and better myself with courses? (I don't hear back after applying)

Also How do I meet someone who is kind, has things in common with me and is serious about the relationship? (please don't say dating apps)

Any advice would help.