A definitive list of open source


Hey everyone! I've been building this list of definitive opensource software and I'm super proud of it so far - it serves as a single centralized location for the best of opensource, a lot of which are self hosted.

Why I made it: Over the last couple months I've had this sudden obsession with replacing everything proprietary with opensource. After hundreds of hours over months of searching I finally settled on around 80 opensource apps. What I realized though was that almost all the apps I went with were found through Reddit posts, google searches, or just random sources across the web.

All the GitHub Awesome Lists I went through didn't even include a lot of the "best" and most popular OSS projects out there and were instead filled with smaller projects - a lot of which were abandoned.

I have yet to find any resource that serves as a centralized location for the best of opensource - and that's what this list aims to be.