why is self harm considered to be bad?

stupid question I know, but seriously?

im a teenager, I’ve been dealing with self harm since I was about 9 years old. I never understood why it was bad, and I still don’t. I get it in a sense that you don’t want people you care about to hurt themselves, and when I picture my friends or people I care about doing it, it upsets me. but when I do it, I don’t see it as bad and I hate how people worry.

I have many scars on my arms, and they’re extremely noticeable. I’ve had a few friends on occasion notice them and confront me about them, but obviously they were just worried. I understand their worry, but it just annoys me that people care. I don’t want them to pity me or look at me any differently.

I don’t know why I get worried at the thought of those I care about doing it compared to me, because not wanting them to hurt themselves sort of contradicts my justification of harming myself if that makes sense. I often fantasize about self harm being non-justifiable for everyone in the world but me, and I imagine it’s normalized for only me to do it so nobody cares nor worries about me and I can just cut myself in peace. I try to place myself in my friend’s shoes finding out that someone who they care about cuts themselves, and logically I understand the reason why people care but it’s hard for me to like actually fully accept that because my mind is clouded with the thought “why do you care if I hurt myself when it’s not hurting you nor anyone around me.” that’s another reason why I don’t get why self harm is considered bad. people only mainly care when you hurt others around you, not yourself. so why does it matter now?

I have no idea if this post makes any sense, I don’t even know how to put my thoughts and feelings into words since it’s such a complex thing to understand