If some flowers are edible how come we didn't breed any of them to be tasty

Pretty much all existing agriculture we have somehow mutated to make it tastier. How come we didn't do that with flowers once we got the freedom to be frivolous and creative with our food? Sure, you might say "Oh, shut up, actually you can make tea that tastes like the whisper of a blade of grass from this one flower and i love it!"

NO. It would be so cool if we mutated flowers to the point we have some fruit, like nice and sweet to the point where it could technically be unhealthy if you ate a lot. I mean not "technically edible" but a flower you would actively crave eating. It would be fun.

Monarchs threw fortunes at alchemy, bred new fruits for fun, and obsessed over rare spices - how did not one of them say, “I want flowers that taste like strawberries. Make it happen, chop chop.”?

But it's not too late. We have technology. In a few decades we could be munching on flowers like fairies. Think about that.