Why does the animosity to men on Reddit feel like a psyop?
TL;Dr Let's just pretend that I was to create a separate reddit account, identify as a woman and say "all men are creepy molesters" I would get 100s of upvotes. But this post will likely be shadowbanned.
Time and time again I will scroll through Reddit and see a guy post something that's deeply effecting to him. A lot of times, I relate. As a man. But I'm disappointed how, in the comments, redditors are just hurling insults. Where there is helpful feedback, those comments are only visible if I sort by controversial.
My GF always tells me that if I want to talk about mens issues on Reddit then I need to qualify that I'm not a sexist, that I understand women's issues are valid, and I support women's protection.
All true.
But it's concerning to me that even if a man chooses Reddit to anonymously seek advise about something distressing them due to a woman's actions, they get harassed to shit. If they manage to get post approval. And if they do, redditors presume they are misogynist.
I recently read a post about gender swapping tests. In relationship subs a redditor will get an outpouring of support and encouragement. Then the redditor will reveal that they just copied and pasted a post that was submitted prior by a male and just reworded/swapped the genders. Because the OP was initially dismissed and degraded.
Almost every day on the front I see posts by women seeking advice. A year ago, and a different account ago, I once reached the front page. I written about my co-worker being doxxed by a woman on bumble on our local city subreddit. A week later the post was removed and cited "for harassment and bullying."
And I'm starting to wonder a lot about the gender war. It's so divisive and undoubtedly responsible for the shift in culture politically, internationally, to be aligned with conservativism. I wonder if this is all manufactured by bots or authentic. And I wonder if the gender divide is just another weapon to keep us from having a class debate.
Do we all really feel this way, or are there vested interests engineering us to be divided?
1) Before submitting this post to r/self it was locked and awaiting approval on 1 other sub and automatically banned on two others. I even tried nodumb?s sub and a male?sub This sub was the only one to approve. Albeit, I think this post is more related with the male?s sub.
2) I'm very pleased with the feedback. Redditors like u/Motor-Parsnip-9707 providing several links to subs that frequently reach the front page that frequently approve post perpetuating misandry to u/Sufficient-Berry-827 reflecting on the tribalism within female empowerment femosphere where women experience sexism from other women when labeled pick-me presumed she can't arrive to a natural conclusion that isn't popular with women unless she's desperate for sex. Look no further than subs that encourage women to dox men if they've been rejected. Or subs that claim to provide dating strategy that is just very thinly veiled worship of wealth and status hegemony.
INCLUDING FROM THE REDDITORS THAT DISAGREE. Like u/CombDiscombobulated7 and u/littlehandsandfeet
3) Lots of redditors argued that I am incel and am a misogynist based on this post. I think that you are all entitled to your opinion. But my post is not anti-women. It's a question whether people wonder where men end up because they are bombarded with rejection labels like "incel" when they are (in most cases) equally as flawed as their female counterparts in places that are primarily "left-leaning." See point 1.
4) Some of you have tasked me with an excellent thought exercise. Would I rather be born as a woman? I think that's a difficult one to answer. Because I don't assume that if I was born a woman, especially with the same timeline and country of origin I am now, I would jump at the opportunity to be born a guy instead. I don't want to be a woman, but on some days, I don't even want to be alive.
5) Lastly, I am unable to respond to everyone. I was not expecting this post to be approved less be highly commented. But I take seriously that misogyny is so rampant worldwide and has been historically. The United States has had over two dozen women run for president since 1872 and receive votes since 1847. The most progressive country in the world has yet to elect a woman in the highest office. Say what you want about Mexico, and Latino men being macho, but they have a woman in the highest office in Mexico. And many South American countries have crossed that threshold. But combating these inequities by creating a toxic atmosphere for men online isn't helping.
The fact that M.G.T.O.W. now has a female equal in 4B sex strikers says something.